We provide a comprehensive price and market analysis on the metals industry in our reports, providing a better understanding about the Chinese metals market.
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In-depth data and forecasting services, provided by a stellar team of analysts, economists and consultants.
Understand the latest market trends to provide the basis for your decision-making.
In-depth data analysis reviews help you understand the driving forces behind market changes.
Base Metals
Aluminium, copper, lead, zinc, nickel & tin Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual
New Energy & Rare earth
Rare earth, Cobalt & Lithium Monthly, Quarterly
Ores & Alloys
Ferro-manganese, ferro-silicon, silico-manganese, silicon metal, nickel, ferro-chrome, vanadium, molybdenum
Other Products
Covering hundreds of metal products such as basic metals, precious metals, minor metals, secondary metals, metal powder alloys, rare earths, etc., it is China's authoritative metal spot benchmark price.
Coverage from upstream mines and smelters, to midstream trade and processing companies, to downstream production companies, including 530 price points and 1928 survey samples.
Relying on the advantages of resources and popularity, closely focusing on industry hot issues, we regularly planning and organizing various conferences to build a high-quality communication platform for the non-ferrous metals industry.
SMM Consulting provide in-depth market solutions for global suppliers, traders, downstream users, government and financial institutions across steel, basic metal, minor and precious metal industries.
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Shanghai Metals Market (SMM) is China's leading provider of metals intelligence, industry events, consulting and e-commerce services. We have more than 100 professional analysts who deliver customised reports and services for the industry chain, such as miners, smelters, processors and traders.
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